Archives mensuelles : janvier 2011

CAC 40: rise above 4048

Long term basis: not yet bullish

On a yearly basis, the status for our stochastic is overbought. With our 7 / 23 years moving averages, a bearish B type crossover will develop before 2014.  As long as MY (end of period) proves to be a support, the recovery could continue. Next supports are 2003 low and LY.

On a quarterly basis, MQ is our next objective. With a close above MQ, The pattern could be similar to the Q2 2005 one.

On a monthly basis, Bollinger bands spread is minimal. With a NEI on our quarterly TAM, UM could be our maximal target.

Idea: bullish with a close above MQ

Bet: with a close above UM, MQ is our next objective.  

R = UM (4048), MQ (4377);    S = MM (3675), May 2010 low (3287), LM (3303), 2003 low (2401), LY (1147)


Medium term: rise in progress

On a weekly basis, Bollinger bands spread is minimal. As long as UM proves to be a resistance (at the close), the rise in progress is a technical move.

Idea:  rise as long as MW proves to be a support

Bet: towards LW if MW fails as a support.


R = UM (4048);               S= MW (3675), LW (3301)


 hort term: bullish

On a daily basis, UD / LD spread is minimal. With a bear trend for LD until Wednesday, a bull trend will develop.

Idea: higher, as long as our daily stochastic is not overbought

Bet: bullish above UM.

R = UM (4048);     S= MD (3888)


Conclusion: long above 4048.


Euro-Bund: bearish until the end of March (or +)

Long term: towards MQ or below

On a quarterly basis, Bollinger bands spread is maximal. Our 7 / 23 quarters moving averages are up. A bearish divergence is in progress with our stochastic. Next period a similar status is expected with our MACD. MQ is our first support.

On a monthly basis, MM could fail as a support (at the close). A bearish A type crossover could be the status for our 7 / 23 months moving averages.

Idea: LM could be a strong support.

Bet:  a decline towards LM is in progress.

R= MM (125.22)    S= MQ (119.42), LM (117.94)


Medium term: bearish without pattern

On a weekly basis (continuous contract), a PEI is in progress with our MACD.

Idea:  LM as a target with a PEI for our MACD.

Bet: bearish for three periods or more.

R = MW (128.47);   S = LW (123.44)


Short term (March 2011 contract): without trend

On a daily basis, Bollinger bands spread is minimal. With TAM, no PEI could develop on a daily basis.

Idea: LD is our first support.

Bet: MD will act as a resistance.

R = MD (125.21), UD (126.44)   S = LD (123.98)


Conclusion: bearish until the end of March (or +)


Crude oil: higher on a medium term basis

Yearly trend: higher 

On a yearly basis, the pattern in progress looks like a parallel pattern. A PEI is in progress with our MACD. Our 7 / 23 years moving averages will continue to be on a bull trend.

Idea:  UY / LY spread continue to increase

Bet: towards UQ is not ruled out.

R= 100, UQ (115.14)    S= PM (73.26)


Long term: higher

On a quarterly basis, the spread UQ / LQ is maximal. With our 7 / 23 quarters moving averages, a bullish A type crossover is in progress. Our MACD and stochastic are oversold.

On a monthly basis, the spread UM / LM is not far away from its reference level. Without a PEI on our quarterly TAM, as long as our MACD is not overbought, the rise in progress will continue.

Idea: higher for 2011

Bet: rise but not bullish.

R= 100;   S= PM (73.26)


Medium term: bullish parallel qualification

On a weekly basis, a bullish parallel is in progress.

Idea: use bullish parallel rules

Bet: PW will act as a support

R = 100, +;    S = PW (87.25), MW (83.35)



Short term: flat

On a daily basis, our Bollinger bands spread is a reference one. With our weekly TAM, no specific pattern could develop on a daily basis.

Idea: UD will act as a resistance. LD will act as a support.

Bet: nothing to do this week.

R = UD (91.72);    S = LD (87.18)


Conclusion: higher on a medium term basis.


Forget CAC 40

Long term basis: not yet bullish

On a yearly basis, the status for our stochastic is overbought. With our 7 / 23 years moving averages, a bearish B type crossover will develop before 2014.  As long as MY (end of period) proves to be a support, the recovery could continue. Next supports are 2003 low and LY.

On a quarterly basis, LQ / UQ spread is maximal. Above PQ, MQ is our next objective.

On a monthly basis, Bollinger bands spread is minimal. With the quarterly trend, as long as MM proves to be a support, UM is our maximal target. With a close below MM, May 2010 low is our first objective and LM is the next one.

Idea: bullish with a close above MQ

Bet: If PQ = resistance until the end of March, LQ could be a target.  

R = PQ (3961), MQ (4375);    S = MM (3673), May 2010 low (3287), LM (3303), 2003 low (2401), LY (1147)


Medium term: decline below MW

On a weekly basis, Bollinger bands spread is minimal. TAM are neutral. Below MW, LW is our next objective.

Idea:  away from this time frame

Bet: without trend for some periods.


R = UW (3980);               S= MW (3780), LW (3598)


Short term: without trend

On a daily basis, UD / LD spread is minimal. TAM are neutral.

Idea: UW / MW spread as objectives

Bet: nothing to do.

R = UW (3980);     S= MW (3780)


Edito : réaliser des plus-values

Bien entendu, la confirmation de la hausse des taux longs (USA et Europe) est l’information la plus importante de ce début d’année. Le site ATDMF est le seul en France à avoir une rubrique et analyser l’évolution des taux.


Si vous souhaitez mettre bon ordre dans vos connaissances et profiter de la hausse des taux pour réaliser d’importantes plus-values (faut savoir ce que l’on veut), participez à une formation de base ATDMF 2011.



Renseignements :

10 Y T-Note: focus…

Long term: towards LM is not ruled out

On a yearly basis, the status for our 7 / 23 years moving averages is a bullish no-crossover. The same status is in progress for our stochastic. The rise in progress could extend for some periods. Current Historical high is our first objective.

On a quarterly basis, UQ / LQ spread is wide. A bullish A type crossover is in progress with our 7 / 23 quarters moving averages. Our stochastic and MACD are overbought. Current Historical high could be an objective.

On a monthly basis, the spread for Bollinger bands spread is wide and bands are flat. A bearish A type crossover could develop this year with our 7 / 23 quarters moving averages Our stochastic and MACD are overbought. LM could be a target.

Idea: LM is a strong support.

Bet: lower below last month low (118.53).

 R = MM (119.79);    S = 118.53, PQ (115.43), LM (113.14)


Medium term: lower for some weeks

On a weekly basis, UW / LW spread was a reference one and continue to expend. A bearish A type crossover is in progress with our 7 / 23 weeks moving averages. A PEI is in progress with our stochastic. A NEI is in progress on the monthly pattern.

Idea: MW is a strong resistance

Bet: towards 118.53

R = MW (124.12);    S = 118.53


Short term: Bollinger bands spread is minimal

On a daily basis, a bearish no-crossover is in progress with our 7 / 23 days moving averages. Below PD, our stochastic and MACD will be overbought. With this hypothesis, a decline without a bearish pattern (a qualification is expected next week) will develop.

Idea: very weak with an overbought status for our MACD

Bet: PD will fail as a support.

R = MD (119.99);    S = PD (118.89), –


Conclusion: lower below PD



€ / $: weak on a medium term basis

   Long term: weak

On a yearly basis, Bollinger band spread is not minimal and will stay at the same level for some periods. Our 7 / 23 years moving averages will stay without trend for some periods. An overbought status for our stochastic is in progress, 1.164 (2005 low) is the first objective.

On a quarterly basis, Bollinger spread is a reference one. For our 7 / 23 quarters moving averages, the pattern could turn to a bearish A type crossover. A PEI is in progress with our stochastic and MACD.

On a monthly basis, the UM / LM spread is far away from its minimal level. Our TAM are neutral.

Idea: As long as MM proves to be a resistance, LM could be a target.

Bet: lower but not bearish

R = MQ (1.3767);    S= PM (1.2066)


Medium term: towards LW

On a weekly basis, with UW / LW spread, LW is a strong support.

Idea: use our weekly stochastic as a leading indicator

Bet: MW should be a nice resistance

R = MW (1.3415);     S = LW (1.2597)


Short term: flat

On a daily basis, Bollinger spread is a reference one. Our TAM are neutral.

Idea: use stochastic as a leading indicator

Bet: nothing to do.

R = UD (1.3414);   S = LD (1.305).


Conclusion: very quiet for some weeks.


Gold: higher on a yearly basis

Yearly trend: in 2012 /2013, qualification in a new bullish parallel pattern

On a yearly basis, a bullish parallel pattern is in progress with a strong dynamic for LY. PY could cross MY next period. A powerful bullish no-crossover is in progress with our stochastic. On a Historical basis, one of the most bullish pattern ever seen (since the end of XIX century). 

Idea: LY will continue to decline for two periods or more

Bet: S&P 500 rise in the 1986 / 2000 as a benchmark.


Long term: bullish parallel on a quarterly basis wards LM (49.90ng as MQ (44.60

On a quarterly basis, the pattern is a bullish parallel one. The dynamic for our 7 / 23 quarters moving averages is strong and continue thru 2013. A PEI is in progress with our stochastic and MACD.

On a monthly basis, PEI are in progress with our TAM. A bullish parallel qualification is in progress.

Idea: use bullish parallel rules on a monthly basis

Bet: very bullish for 2011

R = rise > 2 years, +++ (should be above 2 000, 3 000 and +++);    S = PM (1268)


Medium term: December 2007 pattern in progress (+ 20 % within 4 months?)

On a weekly basis; a bullish parallel is in progress.

Idea: use bullish parallel rules.

Bet: very bullish as long as our stochastic is not overbought.


R= UW (1453), +++       S = PW (1372), MW (1341)

Conclusion: hold on long position (bought 6 October 2009 at 1034).



            Previous: long as long as PW acts as a support.

            In progress: long

            Next: long as long as PW acts as a support.