Archives mensuelles : mars 2011

*****CAC 40 : IEP / IEN, la ruine ou la fortune*****

Le sort du CAC 40 sera scellé pour de nombreux mois (trimestres ?) au début du mois d’avril prochain.

L’analyse des IEP / IEN permet de réaliser des anticipations avec une très forte probabilité de réussite.

Participez à une formation de 3 jours et repartez opérationnel. Maximum 3 participants.

Places disponibles à partir de samedi 19 mars.


Renseignements :

€ /$: towards / above 1.5 this year

Long term: higher

On a yearly basis, Bollinger band spread is not minimal and will stay at the same level for some periods. A bullish A type crossover is in progress with our 7 / 23 years moving averages. UY is our main resistance. A PEI could develop with our MACD.

On a quarterly basis, Bollinger spread is a reference one. For our 7 / 23 quarters moving averages, a PEI is not ruled out. On a monthly basis, the UM / LM spread is far away from its minimal level. A PEI is in progress with our stochastic and MACD. A bullish A type crossover is expected. UM is our next target.

Idea: towards UQ

Bet: bullish

R = UY (1.5098), UQ (1.547);    S= MM (1.3661)


Medium term: UW / LW spread is a reference one

On a weekly basis, TAM are up. UW is our main resistance.

Idea: use our weekly MACD as a leading indicator

Bet: UW as a first objective.

R = UW (1.4109);     S = MW (1.3544)



Short term: without trend

On a daily basis, the UD / LD spread could be a reference one next week. A bullish A type is in progress. As long as MD proves to be a support, the rise in progress could continue.

Idea: UD / LD spread will increase at the end of the week

Bet: MD is a strong support.

R = UD (1.4063   S = MD (1.3828


Conclusion: as long as MD proves to be a support, a medium term rise could develop.


Salon de l’AT : Contenu des interventions ATDMF 2011


Vendredi 25 et samedi 26 (rappels et debriefing)



Sélection d’un actif financier avec l’ATDMF 2011


            1- IEP / IEN (Spécificités ATDMF 2011)



                        – anticipation

                        1.1.- volatilité

                        1.2.- Indicateurs techniques

                                    1.2.1.- ATM

                                               – stochastique

                                               – MACD

                                               – Moyennes mobiles

                                    1.2.2.- Indicateurs supports / résistances

                                               – Parabolique

                                               – Bandes de Bollinger

2.- Opérateur et marchés

2.1.- débutant

2.2.- confirmé

2.3.- expert

             3. – Différents types d’analyses          

3.1.- analyse de type économique

             3.2.- analyse de type opportunité

 3.3.- analyse intraday

4. – Application : sélection d’un actif financier

                        4.1.- analyse directe

                        4.2.- scan d’une base de données.

Samedi 26

Le rôle des informations exceptionnelles IEP et IEN.


Pourquoi des IEP et des IEN ?

            – L’aphorisme : les mêmes causes produisent les mêmes effets


1 – Solution ATDMF  les IEP et les IEN

            1.1. – volatilité  

1.2. – indicateurs techniques

            1.2.1.- TAM

               Stochastique / MACD

               Moyennes mobiles


1.2.2. -Support /résistance Type I, II, III  Bollinger après T1 dynamique => T9   



 2 – IEP et les IEN : qui peut et quand les rencontrer

            2.1.- présence

            2.2.- absence

3 – analyse économique

4 – analyse d’opportunité

            – check-liste

5 – OR /SP

6 – Conclusion

Un cadeau si vous nous commandez le livre sur l’ATDMF 2011

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L’analyse technique aujourd’hui : la méthode ATDMF

 reçues entre le samedi 12 et le mardi 15 mars, vous recevrez gratuitement nos 4 prochaines analyses sur les indices boursiers (CAC 40, S&P 500, Nasdaq 100) ou les 4 prochaines analyses sur l’or et le pétrole.



Pour commander :


Envoyez un chèque de 54, 15 €  (prix éditeur : 57 €), port gratuit pour la France métropolitaine, à


Philippe cahen

71 Bd saint-Michel

75005               Paris


En précisant votre adresse e-mail et le choix du cadeau :

indices ou or.

Bonne lecture.

CAC 40: status of the monthly stochastic is the key

Long term basis: not yet bullish

On a yearly basis, the status for our stochastic is overbought. With our 7 / 23 years moving averages, a bearish B type crossover will develop before 2014.  As long as MY (end of period) proves to be a support, the recovery could continue. Next supports are 2003 low and LY.

On a quarterly basis, LQ / UQ spread is maximal. MQ is our next objective. Above MQ, UQ is our next target.

On a monthly basis, Bollinger bands spread is minimal. With a NEI on the quarterly basis, as long as MM proves to be a support, UM is our maximal target. With a close below MM, May 2010 low is our first objective and LM is the next one.

Idea: MM is an easier target than MQ.

Bet: bearish divergence for our monthly stochastic?

R = MQ (4380);    S = MM (3758), May 2010 low (3287), PM (3287), 2003 low (2401)


Medium term: decline below MW

On a weekly basis, with an overbought status for our stochastic and MAD, LW will be our next target if MW fails as a support.

Idea: as long as M23 is up, the move in progress is only a technical decline

Bet: decline as long as our MACD is not oversold.


R = MD (4065)               S= MW (3927), LW (3698)


Short term: decline

On a daily basis, with a NEI on our weekly basis, the decline in progress is only a technical move.

Idea: lower as long as our MACD is not oversold

Bet: bearish with a pre-parallel pattern.

R = MD (4065);     S= MW (3927), LW (3698)


Conclusion: MM could be an easier target than MQ.  


Forex : quiet, see € / $

Long term: higher

On a yearly basis, Bollinger band spread is not minimal and will stay at the same level for some periods. A bullish A type crossover is in progress with our 7 / 23 years moving averages. UY is our main resistance. A PEI could develop with our MACD.

On a quarterly basis, Bollinger spread is a reference one. For our 7 / 23 quarters moving averages, a PEI is not ruled out. On a monthly basis, the UM / LM spread is far away from its minimal level. A PEI is in progress with our stochastic and MACD. A bullish A type crossover is expected. UM is our next target.

Idea: towards UQ

Bet: bullish

R = UY (1.5093), UQ (1.5469);    S= MM (1.3659)


Medium term: UW / LW is a reference one

On a weekly basis, TAM are up. UW is our main resistance.

Idea: use our weekly MACD as a leading indicator

Bet: UW as a first objective.

R = UW (1.4109);     S = MW (1.3544)


Short term: riselrt term: no trend

On a daily basis, the UD / LD spread is expending but LD is flat. With an overbought status for our MACD, MD is our first support.

Idea: MD will act as a support

Bet: UD is a strong resistance.

R = UD (1.4039);   S = MD (1.3734).


Conclusion: as long as MD proves to be a support, a medium term rise could develop.


Opportunité avec l’ATDMF 2011

Les cours de l’argent métal sont passés de 21 $ à 35 $ entre la fin septembre 2010 et mars 2011 (et ce n’est pas sur le point de se terminer).D’ici début juin, La même histoire pourrait se reproduire sur un autre actif financier. Sur celui-ci, les transactions quotidiennes sont probablement 50 000 fois plus importantes que sur l’argent métal. Il ne s’agit donc pas d’un produit secondaire.

Si vous souhaitez pouvoir gérer et profiter de cette situation, il suffit d’utiliser les principes de l’ATDMF 2011.

Deux solutions :

suivre une formation ATDMF 2011 et repartir opérationnel au bout de trois jours (maximum 2 participants). Renseignements :

acheter notre nouveau livre :

L’analyse technique aujourd’hui : la méthode ATDMF.


Pour nous commandez le livre :

 envoi d’un chèque de 54,15 € (pour la France métropolitaine)



Mr Philippe Cahen

71 Bd Saint-Michel

75005         Paris


vous bénéficierez de 4 analyses non publiées (1 par semaine) sur l’or et le pétrole.

Nasdaq 100: higher for some months

Long term: bullish

On a yearly basis, our stochastic and MACD are oversold. Our 7 / 23 years moving averages are up with a PEI. As long as MY proves to be a support, UY could be a target.

On a quarterly basis, Bollinger Bands spread could be a reference one. For our 7 / 23 quarters moving averages, the trend is up. A PEI is the status for our stochastic. Our MACD is oversold.

On a monthly basis, UM / LM spread is not a reference one. For our 7 / 23 months moving averages an A type bullish crossover is in progress.

Idea: higher for some periods (monthly basis)

Bet: bullish T1 for our quarterly basis.

R = UY (3050);     S = MQ (1775)


Medium term: bullish parallel

On a weekly basis, a bullish parallel pattern is in progress.

Idea: use bullish parallel pattern rules.

Bet: bullish for some periods

R = UW (2412);    S = MW (2236).


 Short term: without trend

On a daily basis; UD / LD spread is flat. With the weekly trend, no bearish pattern could develop.

Idea: LD and UD are our targets

Bet: towards UD.

R = UD (2407);    S = LD (2296).

Conclusion: close long position below MW (2236)


ATDMF 2011 : livre et formation

Vous souhaitez être opérationnel avec l’ATDMF 2011 en 3 jours et pouvoir opérer sur tous les marchés?

Inscrivez-vous à notre formation de base (semaine ou week-end) et recevez notre nouveau livre en cadeau.

2 participants au maximum pour chaque session.


Renseignements :

$ / CHF: towards .9 and —

Long term: bearish

 On a yearly basis, Bollinger bands are expending. A PEI is in progress with our moving averages and with our stochastic. The bear trend will continue for two periods or more.

On a quarterly basis, a bearish parallel pattern is in progress.

On a monthly basis, Bollinger bands spread is a reference one. A PEI is in progress with our moving averages and with our stochastic.

Idea: lower

Bet: new Historical Low this and next years

R =MM (1.0341);     S = new low


Medium term: bearish?

On a weekly basis, a type III occurred. Bollinger bands spread is a reference one and is expending. A PEI is in progress with our moving averages.

Idea: bearish

Bet: new Historical Low before June.  

R = PW (.9746);    S = towards .9 or below.


Short term: lower

On a daily basis, Bollinger bands spread is above a reference one. TAM will move lower. Current pattern is similar to a type II.

Idea: lower without a bearish pattern

Bet: PEI for our stochastic.

R = PD (.9455);     S= .9


Conclusion: short with a next weekly low (Vs last week)