Archives mensuelles : mars 2013

€-Bund: a new Historical high is expected

Long term: higher

On a quarterly basis, a bullish type I is in progress.

On a monthly basis, our stochastic will be oversold.

Idea: use bullish parallel rules on a monthly basis

Bet: above PM, a new bull trend is expected.

R= PM (146.07), UM (147.45), +++;    S= MM (140.49)

Medium term: rise

On a weekly basis, TAM tools will rise for several periods.

Idea: use our MACD as a leading indicator

Bet: nothing to do.

R= UM (147.45), +++;   S= MW (143.55)

Short term (June contract): up

On a daily basis, UD / LD spread is increasing. No PEI could develop on TAM tools.

Idea:  use our MACD as a leading indicator

Bet: nothing to do.

R= UD (146.20);   S= PD (144.2)

Conclusion: higher.


€ / $: some technical analysts are bullish but ATDMF is bearish

Long term: weak

On a yearly basis, Bollinger bands spread will stay flat. Stochastic and MACD will be overbought at the end of the year. MY is our first target.

On a quarterly basis, a bearish no-crossover could be the status for each TAM tool. LQ is our first objective.

On a monthly basis, the UM / LM spread is shrinking and could be a reference one. A PEI could develop with our monthly moving averages.

Idea: LM is our first target if a PEI is the next status for our monthly moving averages.

Bet: lower as long as MM proves to be a resistance.

R= MM (1.3128);    S= MY / LM (1.2201), PY (1.0655)

Medium term: without main trend

On a weekly basis, UW / LW spread is a reference one.

Idea: weekly MACD is our leading indicator

Bet: lower as long as MW= resistance.

R = MW (1.3145);     S = LW (1.2720).

Short term: lower

On a daily basis, a PEI is the status for our daily moving averages.

Idea: towards LW if PD fails as a support

Bet: lower as long as MD act as a resistance.

R = MD (1.2995);        S = LW (1.2720).

Conclusion: weak as long as MW= resistance.

Formation intraday : vous payez si vous gagnez

Utilisation des CFD avec l’idée de gagner entre 30 minutes et 2 heures => 75 % du déposit demandé pour faire l’opération. C’est vous qui proposez les opérations : si vous ne respectez pas les règles ATDMF de trading, l’opération sera faite sur mon compte de démonstration. Si vous respectez les règles, l’opération se fait sur votre compte réel ou sur votre compte de démo. Je demande 500 € par jour de formation (acquis définitivement) + 60 % de votre solde (gains – pertes) avec un maximum de 1000 € par jour. En cas de solde négatif, je prends les pertes à ma charge (au-delà de 500 € par jour, les opérations sont faites en mode démonstration). Le nombre de jours souhaitable pour tirer tous les bénéfices de cette formation est de 3 ou 4. Cette formation ne peut se faire qu’à l’issue de la formation de base.

Renseignements :

Nasdaq 100 is toppish (not bullish as S&P 500)

Long term: focus on the quarterly basis.

On a yearly basis, our stochastic and MACD are oversold. Our 7 / 23 years moving averages are up with a PEI. UY is our first resistance.

On a quarterly basis, a type II will be in progress if LQ trend is down at the end of March. Otherwise, a bearish divergence is likely for our stochastic.

On a monthly basis, a type III is not in progress (NEI with monthly MACD).

Idea: use monthly parallel rules

Bet: bullish as long as MM= support.

R= UM (2958), S= MM (2581), LM (2163).

Medium term: rise but not bullish

On a weekly basis, UW / LW spread is expending. A PEI is the status for our stochastic and MACD. A NEI is in progress with our moving averages and on the upper time frame.

Idea: use our weekly MACD as a leading indicator

Bet: choppy.

R= UW (2830);     S=MW (2696).

Daily basis: higher

A bullish no-crossover is the status of our stochastic and MACD.  A NEI is in progress on the upper time frame.

Idea: use our daily MACD as a leading indicator

Bet: wait.

R= UW (2831);     S= MD (2765)

Conclusion: higher, on a medium term basis, as long as MW= support.

€ / GBP: weak

Long term: towards UM

On a yearly basis a bullish no-crossover is in progress for our stochastic and our MACD.

On a quarterly basis, next period TAM tools could be up.

On a monthly basis, UM / LM spread is above a reference one. UM is a strong resistance. Our stochastic could be overbought within two or three periods.

Idea: UM is a strong resistance

Bet: only a technical recovery in progress.

R= UM (.8868);    S= MM (.8311)

Medium term: toppish

On a weekly basis, no parallel is in progress.

Idea: MACD is our leading indicator

Bet: towards MW is expected.

R= UW (8847);   S= PW (.8576), MW (.8322).

Short term: flat

On a daily basis, Bollinger bands are flat.

Idea: daily stochastic is our leading indicator

Bet: wait.

R= UD (.8748);   S= LD (.8587)

Conclusion: weak if PW fails as a support.

Nikkeï 225: higher

Long term basis: not yet bullish

On a yearly basis, TAM tools are not up.

On a quarterly basis, LQ / UQ spread is shrinking. A bullish no-crossover is the status for our stochastic but MQ trend is bearish.

On a monthly basis, Bollinger bands spread is a reference one. A NEI is in progress on the upper time frame.

Idea: monthly MACD is our leading indicator

Bet: UQ as a first resistance.

R= UQ (12332);    S= MQ (9904)

Medium term: bullish

On a weekly basis, T12 was in progress with a bearish trend for LW.

Idea: use bullish parallel rules

Bet: towards UQ is expected.

R= UQ (12332);               S= PW (11016).

Short term: bullish without pattern

On a daily basis, no PEI is in progress with TAM tools..

Idea: use our MACD as a leading indicator

Bet: towards UQ.

R= UQ (12332);     S= MD (11466).

Conclusion: bullish on a medium term basis.

GBP / USD:lower

Long term: higher for some quarters

On a yearly basis, TAM tools are weak. LY is our main target.

On a quarterly basis, Bollinger bands spread is shrinking but the level is above a reference one. A bearish no-crossover could develop with our moving averages.

On a monthly basis, the UM / LM spread is expending with a close below LM.  TAM tools are bearish without a PEI.

Idea: monthly MACD is our leading indicator

Bet: lower for some quarters.

R= MM (1.5804);    S= LQ (1.3793)

Medium term: type II in progress

On a weekly basis, a type II will be in hand next Friday.

Idea: use parallel rules

Bet: towards LQ.

R = PW (1.5821);     S = LQ (1.3793).

Short term: bearish parallels

On a daily basis, a bearish parallels pattern is in progress.

Idea: use parallel rules

Bet: lower.

R = MD (1.5357);        S = LD (1.4893).

Conclusion: lower.

ATDMF au salon de l’analyse technique


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Crude oil: weak

Long term: towards LM

On a yearly basis a bearish no-crossover is the status for our stochastic.

On a quarterly basis, TAM tools are weak.

On a monthly basis, a PEI is the status for our moving averages and our MACD.

Idea: monthly MACD is our leading indicator

Bet: next month trend will be a long term trend.

R= MM (93.16);    S= LM (80.05)

Medium term: a bearish parallel in March 2013?

On a weekly basis, UW / LW spread is minimal. TAM tools are weak

Idea: LW is our main target

Bet: weak as long as MW= resistance.

R= MW (90.84);   S= LW (83.16),

Short term: bearish without pattern

On a daily basis, no type I or II could develop because a PEI is not in progress with our weekly moving averages.

Idea: daily MACD is our leading indicator

Bet: use bearish parallels rules.

R= PD (93.33), MD (94.43);   S= MQ (85.89), LW (83.16)

Conclusion: weak as long as MW= resistance.