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€ / GBP: weak

Long term: towards UM

On a yearly basis a bullish no-crossover is in progress for our stochastic and our MACD.

On a quarterly basis, next period TAM tools could be up.

On a monthly basis, UM / LM spread is above a reference one. UM is a strong resistance. Our stochastic could be overbought within two or three periods.

Idea: UM is a strong resistance

Bet: only a technical recovery in progress.

R= UM (.8868);    S= MM (.8311)

Medium term: toppish

On a weekly basis, no parallel is in progress.

Idea: MACD is our leading indicator

Bet: towards MW is expected.

R= UW (8847);   S= PW (.8576), MW (.8322).

Short term: flat

On a daily basis, Bollinger bands are flat.

Idea: daily stochastic is our leading indicator

Bet: wait.

R= UD (.8748);   S= LD (.8587)

Conclusion: weak if PW fails as a support.

GBP / USD:lower

Long term: higher for some quarters

On a yearly basis, TAM tools are weak. LY is our main target.

On a quarterly basis, Bollinger bands spread is shrinking but the level is above a reference one. A bearish no-crossover could develop with our moving averages.

On a monthly basis, the UM / LM spread is expending with a close below LM.  TAM tools are bearish without a PEI.

Idea: monthly MACD is our leading indicator

Bet: lower for some quarters.

R= MM (1.5804);    S= LQ (1.3793)

Medium term: type II in progress

On a weekly basis, a type II will be in hand next Friday.

Idea: use parallel rules

Bet: towards LQ.

R = PW (1.5821);     S = LQ (1.3793).

Short term: bearish parallels

On a daily basis, a bearish parallels pattern is in progress.

Idea: use parallel rules

Bet: lower.

R = MD (1.5357);        S = LD (1.4893).

Conclusion: lower.

EUR / GBP: add long position?

Long term: weak

On a yearly basis, Bollinger bands spread is above a reference one. Moving averages are up and stochastic is neutral.

On a quarterly basis, Bollinger bands will be flat. Stochastic and MACD are not yet oversold. MQ is our main resistance.

On a monthly basis, stochastic and MACD are oversold and M23 will continue to decline.

Idea: as long as the trend for our monthly moving averages is against the MACD one, no main trend will emerge

Bet: nothing to do.

R= MQ (.8541), UQ (.9305);    S= MM (.833), LM (.77)

Medium term: rise

On a weekly basis, with a NEI on the monthly basis, no bull market could be in progress.

Idea: weekly MACD is our leading indicator

Bet: towards .8541.

R= MQ (.8541);     S = MW (.8105).

Short term: rise

A type II is in progress.

Idea: use parallel rules

Bet: add long position.

R = MQ (.8541);        S = MD (.8239).

Conclusion: long with a PEI as a status for our daily stochastic.

AUD / USD: higher

Long term: bullish

On a yearly basis, Bollinger Bands spread is increasing. A PEI is in progress with our stochastic and MACD.

On a quarterly basis, a PEI is in progress with our moving averages.

On a monthly basis, this time frame is without trend.

Idea: higher as long as our stochastic is not overbought

Bet:  UM= strong resistance.

R= UM (1.0906);    S= MM (1.04), LM (.9894)

Medium term: higher

On a weekly basis, UW / LW spread is minimal. A PEI will develop with our moving averages.

Idea: higher without a bullish pattern (monthly MACD as a NEI).

Bet: towards UW.

R = UW (1.0582);     S = MW (1.0363).

Short term: rise

On a daily basis, Bollinger Bands spread is above a reference one.

Idea: higher as long as our MACD is not overbought

Bet: towards UW.

R = UW (1.0582);   S = MD (1.0342).

Conclusion: recovery.


AUD / USD: close short position?

Long term: lower?

On a quarterly basis, a bullish no-crossover is always the status for our moving averages. Our stochastic and MACD are overbought.

On a monthly basis, UM / LM spread could expend. A NEI is the status for our moving averages.

Idea: lower below PM

Bet: UM trend is the key.

R= MM (1.0293);    S= PM (.9474), MQ (.9087)

Medium term: lower?

On a weekly basis, UW / LW spread is expending.  A NEI is the status for the monthly time frame.

Idea: lower as long as our MACD is not oversold

Bet: towards PM.

R = UD (1.0064);     S = PM (.9474)

Short term: bearish parallel pattern

On a daily basis; with a close above MD, UD is our next objective.

Idea: use bearish parallel rules

Bet: a close above MD is likely.

R = MD (.9841), UD (1.0064);   S = LD (.9618)

Conclusion: close short position today?

€ / GBP: weak on a medium / long term basis

Long term: without trend

On a yearly basis, no PEI or NEI is in progress.

On a quarterly basis, the bullish parallel is over.

On a monthly basis, UM / LM spread is above a reference one.

Idea: Lower as long as our monthly stochastic is not oversold

Bet: this year, a monthly bearish pattern could develop.

R= MM (.8591);    S= LM (.8205), MY (.7413)

Medium term

On a weekly basis, a PEI is the status for our moving averages. No PEI is in progress on the monthly time frame.

Idea: Lower as long as our weekly stochastic is not oversold

Bet: nothing to do.

R = MW (.8347);     S = LW (.8211), MY (.7413)

Short term: no bearish pattern

On a daily basis, prices will continue to decline.

Idea: lower as long as MD proves to be a resistance

Bet: towards LD.

R = MD (.8294);   S = LD (.8195)

Conclusion: lower on a medium term basis.


JPY is weak

Long term: lower

On a yearly basis, Bollinger band spread could be flat next period. A PEI is in progress with our moving averages.

On a quarterly basis, a type I could develop.

On a monthly basis, a bearish parallel pattern is in progress.

Idea: use monthly bearish parallels rules

Bet: focus on monthly bullish divergence.

R= MM (110.05);    S= LM (99.72)

Medium term: rise in progress

On a weekly basis, a close above MW is expected.

Idea: rise as long as our MACD is not overbought.

Bet: towards UW is not ruled out.

R = UW (108.61);     S = MW (102.92)

Short term: higher

On a daily basis; a PEI is in progress with our moving averages and our MACD.  A NEI is in progress with the weekly time frame.

Idea: rise as long as our MACD is not overbought

Bet: nothing to do on a daily basis.

R = UW (108.61);   S = MD (101.16)

Conclusion: technical recovery in progress.

€ / Y: bearish on a long term basis

Long term: lower

On a yearly basis, TAM tools are down. 89.59
(Historical Low) is our first target.

On a quarterly basis, a type 1 should develop.

On a monthly
basis, a bearish no-crossover is in progress with TAM tools.

Idea: MW is our maximal target

Bet: a selloff is expected.

R= MW (107.63);   
S= 89.59



On a weekly basis, TAM tools are neutral.

Idea: MW = strong resistance and LW = main support

Bet: wait.

R = MW (107.63);    
S = LW (101.32)



Short term: weak

On a daily basis, UD / LD spread is expending. PD
trend is bearish: a PEI could develop with our MACD.

Idea: decline as long as our MACD is not oversold

Bet: lower.


R = MD (105.95);  
S = LD (102.56)


Conclusion: bearish on a long term basis.

EUR / JPY: monthly bullish divergence?

Long term: lower?

 On a yearly basis, Bollinger bands spread is thin. A bearish pseudo-no crossover will develop with our 7 / 23 years moving averages. Next period, our MACD could be overbought. Below LY / PY a new historical low level is expected.

On a quarterly basis, Bollinger bands spread is expending. No bearish pattern could develop with our stochastic and MACD status. As long as our MACD is not oversold, the decline will continue.

On a monthly basis, UM is flat. A bullish divergence could develop next month. With this hypothesis, above MM, UM is our next objective.

Idea: MM is a strong resistance with a bearish no-crossover for our 7 / 23 months moving averages.

Bet: PM will act as a resistance

R = PM (121.09), MM (124.72), UM (143.04);     S = PY (101.75)


Medium term: flat

On a weekly basis, Bollinger bands spread is thin and bands are flat. A bullish A type crossover will develop with our 7 / 23 weeks moving averages.

Idea: UW is a strong resistance 

Bet: focus on our stochastic

R = UW (115.77);    S = MW (111.5), LW (107.24)


Short term: weak?

On a daily basis, UD and MD are flat. As long as our stochastic is not oversold, MD will act as a resistance. With our MACD status, Bollinger bands are our main targets.

Idea: nothing to do

Bet: towards UD if MD fails as a resistance.

R = MD (113.79), UD (115.41);     S= LD (112.15)


Conclusion: long with a monthly bullish divergence.