Long term: flat
On a yearly basis, Bollinger bands spread is not minimal. Our 7 / 23 years moving averages are slightly bullish. Stochastic is overbought. UY is our main resistance and MY is our main support.
On a quarterly basis, Bollinger spread is a reference one and UQ / LQ spread is expending. A bearish no-crossover is the status for our MACD. LQ is our first objective.
On a monthly basis, the UM / LM spread is above a reference one. TAM tools are neutral. LM is our main support and MM is our main resistance.
Idea: recovery above MM
Bet: next status for our monthly stochastic will give the long term trend.
R= MM (1.3659), MQ (1.3952); S= LM (1.2587)
Medium term: rise above PW
On a weekly basis, our stochastic and MACD are oversold. Above PW, UW could be an objective.
Idea: the recovery in progress could continue for three weeks
Bet: higher.
R = PW (1.3486), MM (1.3659), MQ (1.3952), UW (1.4011); S = MW (1.3304)
Short term: higher
On a daily basis, no PEI is in progress with TAM tools.
Idea: rise as long as our MACD is not overbought
Bet: PW could be a strong resistance.
R = PW (1.3486); S = MD (1.324).
Conclusion: higher for some weeks if PW fails as a resistance.